Original 2019 real estate video ad for Seven Hills Ranch, indicating allowable land use density/zoning.
Who are the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors?
A critical step for Save Seven Hills Ranch was to request that the County deny the developer’s request for a General Plan Amendment or GPA. A GPA can change the county’s General Plan to allow different uses than the General Plan previously authorized.
Since the change is approved, and pending the outcome of a lawsuit against the County regarding the approval, the accepted General Plan Amendment (GPA) allows the large-scale, multi-story development to be built right next to Walnut Creek’s beloved Heather Farm Park.
Five Supervisor Districts in Contra Costa County, one Supervisor is elected per District:
Seven Hills Ranch lies in Supervisor Ken Carlson’s District 4 (IV). The previous supervisor who allowed this development to proceed was Supervisor Karen Mitchoff . She will be running in the primary in March ‘24 for California’s 15th Assembly District. (California has two legislative bodies: The Senate and the Assembly.) She did not run for County re-election in June ‘22 and Ken Carlson was elected as her replacement. Mitchoff announced her retirement one day after the vote regarding Seven Hills Ranch was taken on Nov 29, 2022.
ALL the Supervisors voted on this issue to allow the General Plan amendment to change and the development to go forward.
One half of the city of Walnut Creek lies in Candace Andersen’s District 2 (II)
At election time, you vote to elect the representative of your District.
Who is on the Board of Supervisors (BOS)? https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/7290/The-Board District 1 (l) John Gioia District 2 (ll) Candace Andersen District 3 (lll) Diane Burgis District 4 (lV) Ken Carlson District 5 (V) Federal D. Glover
Spieker developer plan: 451 living units, Clubhouse, Recreation and Resident Health Care Centers, 600 garage and surface parking spaces. Proposed for property zoned for 150 housing units max.
The Influencers: The Contra Costa County Planning Commission
advises the County Board of Supervisors on the developer’s proposal.
considers the request for the General Plan Amendment
decides whether to move forward after reviewing the county staff reports and the Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
examines details of the project plan
holds a public hearing before the Planning Commission.
makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval or denial of the project.
What to expect if approved: Multi-story, gated community. (pictured: Developer’s Stoneridge Creek development in Pleasanton, CA)