We are no longer accepting donations.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS PAST SUPPORT and tax deductible donations.
If you are a strong believer in the need for open space in our ever-growing populated areas, consider donating to and supporting the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation. They served as our fiscal sponsor (see below) and their work protects, preserves and enhances the 2700 acres of Walnut Creek’s open space.
Click the button below to donate using a credit card or PayPal.
If you prefer to write a check: make it out to the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation. Mail your check to: Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation, PO Box 309, Walnut Creek, CA 94597-0309
We are grateful to the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation for serving as Save Seven Hills Ranch’s fiscal sponsor. This allowed you to make tax deductible donations as well as request company matches, if that was available to you. Funds helped cover our expenses (think legal) and held off the immediate destruction of the precious, irreplaceable Seven Hills Ranch.
Should funds remain at the end of our campaign to Save Seven Hills Ranch, they will go to the WCOSF for open space conservation, protection and maintenance.